Monday, July 20, 2009

This N That

Trench for the footing for the retaining wall and steps...I'm trying to convince Paul that we should make this a little deeper, a little wider, fill it up with concrete & have a swimming pool. Don't you agree this is a grand idea??
One side and the back of the house are completely bricked. Only two more sides to go!

Since my last post the brick masons have returned, the porches and garage have been sealed with a special sealant to ensure there is no moisture in my craft room (and elsewhere), Ed and his men continue to work as if possessed, and tomorrow the insulation crew will start sealing her up! The sheetrock should start going up this week as well...we'll feel as if we are really making progress once the sheetrock goes up. I hope to have everything chosen (light fixtures, colors, etc) by the time the sheetrocking is finished. Any bets for if I will or will bet would be there will STILL be something for me to choose!! Picking out "stuff" seems to take on a life of its own. My vehicle resembles something a pack of gypsies would drive...I have everything from fabric to floor samples in it.
As always, I appreciate your interest. Please stop in again soon!!

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